I'm not sure about you, but I am so much more inclined to buy a product or support a brand if I believe in the people behind it. It's the same reason I pretty much
only buy my outdoor gear from
Patagonia. It's the same reason I visit the same boutique over and over again because I not only want to clothe myself in things that (I think!) look good, but I want to support the people/person offering me the selection. Similarly, this notion is why I love Texas-born designer Lela Rose. She has appeared to be extremely down to earth from day one...even designing a line of shoes for
Payless, making her genius accessible to just about anyone.
At her Spring 2011 RTW show last fall, her models partners their breath-taking ensembles with styles from the now-available Payless line.
Photo Courtesy of Style.com
Photo Courtesy of Style.com
Photo Courtesy of Style.comEven Lela herself sported her Payless peep toes when greeting the crowd for the Spring 2011 RTW finale!
Lela says hello. Photo Courtesy of Style.comNow a few of these styles are available for purchase via Payless.com, and I have to say I'm having a hard time just which one to choose...they're all absolutely precious and will go with just about anything I plan on wearing when the weather warms up. I'm particularly partial to wedges since I'll be trouncing up and down the hilly streets of Asheville.
Lela Rose for Payless Bolivar Wedge: $49.99
Lela Rose for Payless Loreto Wedge: $49.99
Lela Rose for Payless Olivos Satin T Strap Pump: $44.99Which one is your favorite? I think the Bolivar wedge might have to be mine by the end of the week!
Ohhhh fun! I think I vote for the first pair...I THINK!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Linds. First pair is definitely my fave.
ReplyDeleteMe too, I always look on the brand before I will buy my clothes. But, for casual clothing men, it is hard for me to choose best for my husband.